Home Injectables What to Expect From Non-Surgical Jawline Contouring With Dr. Simon Ourian

What to Expect From Non-Surgical Jawline Contouring With Dr. Simon Ourian

What to Expect From Non-Surgical Jawline Contouring With Dr. Simon Ourian


Dr. Simon Ourian’s non-surgical jawline contouring is a procedure designed to enhance your jawline or chin. Learn more about what it involves here.

When it comes to different rejuvenation procedures, many patients focus on wrinkle reduction. However, jawline contouring is increasing in demand.

Jawline contouring augments the jawline, cheeks, and chin. This not only results in a chiseled jawline but boosts a youthful and healthy appearance.

If you’re interested in jawline contouring and are in or are traveling to Beverly Hills, you should look into Dr. Simon Ourian’s trademarked non-surgical approach to jaw contouring.

Dr. Simon Ourian’s Unique Approach

Dr. Simon Ourian can enhance facial symmetry and contour your jaw without the use of scalpels. His procedure is trademarked “Jawsome” and consists of multiple filler injections.

The injections consist of multi-micro droplet dermal fillers that add volume where the skin is loose and fill out any sagging areas around the chin. He injects these fillers in specific areas, tightening the skin and improving the jawline’s symmetry.

Since this procedure is non-surgical, Jawsome comes without long recovery periods. You can show off your youthful face to the world in no time!


Results You Can Expect

Are you interested in getting Jawsome and aren’t sure about the results? Here’s what you can expect from Dr. Simon Ourian’s non-surgical jawline contouring.

Enhance Your Jawline and Chin

Jawsome not only reduces the drooping that comes with jowls but totally reshapes the jaw and chin area, all without surgery. The secret is the multi-injection strategy that tightens the areas that are loose and sagging. You’ll have a more defined jaw and smaller chin.

Balanced and Symmetrical Facial Features

A sagging jawline and chin can impact the balance of your face. Not only that, but your bones change with age. By slimming the jawline, Jawsome can bring balance back to your visage and will result in a more symmetrical complexion.

Less Jowling

Over time, natural aging can affect your skin’s elasticity, resulting in drooping skin at the jawline and chin. This is called “the jowls.”

Previously, patients would have to go under the needle to remove this excess skin. But now, dermal fillers can tighten the skin. This is especially true with Dr. Simon Ourian’s approach, where he injects fillers in specific areas to tighten and add volume where it’s appropriate.

Youthful Appearance

Because of all of these factors combined, you’ll have a more youthful appearance. A contoured jawline also enhances your natural beauty, especially when using dermal fillers and not traditional plastic surgery.

To achieve youthfulness, Dr. Simon Ourian uses multiple dermal fillers for the procedure. They’re formulated with strong ingredients such as hyaluronic acid to smooth out your complexion and tighten sagginess.

Jawsome offers powerful results in a non-invasive way, meaning you can show off your youthful complexion soon after your procedure.

Get Dr. Simon Ourian’s Jawline Contouring Today

Are you interested in getting jawline contouring with Dr. Simon Ourian? You’re a great candidate if you have a receding jawline, have a weak chin or jaw, sagging skin around the neck or jawline, a double chin, and/or chin wrinkles.

Contouring your jawline starts with a consultation. If you live in Beverly Hills or plan on visiting the area, contact Epione Beverly Hills today to schedule your consultation.


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