Home Injectables What is a liquid nose job and how do they work.

What is a liquid nose job and how do they work.

What is a liquid nose job and how do they work.


How long does a non surgical nose job treatment take?

Liquid nose jobs are a quick and relatively painless procedure which generally take around 30 to 45 minutes. So yes, you could get it done in your lunch break, but not before spending a decent amount of time discussing the procedure before hand.

Dr Dona said once the patient has been assessed and they’ve been deemed suitable to have it done, they’ll come into the procedure room where the injector will mark up the areas they’re going to be injecting the fillers in.

Both surgeons said patients can have ice applied to the nose for a bit of numbing and to prevent any potentially bruising or swelling – Dr Mayson also mentioned the benefit of having a doctor perform the procedure is they can give patients the option of a nerve blocker if they’re concerned about the pain.

Dr Dona and Dr Mayson described the injecting process like ‘scultping’ – adding a bit of filler to an area, letting it settle, seeing where more is required and making smalll adjustments to create the desired result.

“You’d like to do a little bit on the conservative side and add more, rather than doing too much,” Dr Dona said.

You can watch Dr Dona’s video on non surgical rhinoplasty below. Post continues after video.


Can you go back to work after a non surgical nose job?

Possibly the most attractive thing about the liquid nose job is the recovery time. That’s because there is none.

“A lot of my patients come in during their lunch break and go straight back to work,” Dr Mayson said.

“Unlike botox and anti-wrinkle injections you have to wait three days before the effect kicks in, with filler you’ll see the result straight away.”

How long do non surgical nose jobs last?

How long your non surgical nose job will last depends on which filler you choose and how your body metabolises it.

“Different people seem to chew through their filler at different rates. Smokers, gym junkies and high-stressed individuals seem to have a higher metabolic rate and metabolise the filler a bit faster,” Dr Mayson said.

If you opt for temporary injectable rhinoplasty, both surgeons said to expect the results to last about 12 months. The shortest he’s ever seen the temporary liquid nose job last is six months, and the longest, over two years.

Are there any side effects or risks?

Injectable rhinoplasty side effects are minimal, but the main two to be concerned about are bruising and infection.

Some individuals simply bruise easily and might experience some slight bruising around the under eye area.

Dr Dona stressed if you have an important social engagement coming up, you wouldn’t want to have any fillers put in too close to the event.


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