Home Facial Treatments VitaCell Reviews (Vitalifi) – Neural Pain Switch Flavonoid Solution?

VitaCell Reviews (Vitalifi) – Neural Pain Switch Flavonoid Solution?

VitaCell Reviews (Vitalifi) – Neural Pain Switch Flavonoid Solution?


VitaCell is a daily pain management remedy that eases the pressure on swollen and achy joints. The formula is easy to take daily, only incorporating natural ingredients that are backed by scientific evidence.

What is VitaCell?

The immune system is the body’s natural defense system against any kind of disease. Most people know how to support their weight, mental energy, and other daily diet processes. As much as these efforts help, the immune system needs to have certain nutrients to eliminate everything from the common cold to joint pain. That’s what VitaCell works to correct.

VitaCell addresses the immune system as a whole, though the creators (Vitalifi) highlight the way that it can alleviate joint pain with the included ingredients. In fact, they add that this remedy is “more important than vitamin C.” With the power behind the immunity booster, it is possible for users to keep up a strong defense against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), though there’s no guarantee. It is much more likely that they will improve their protection against problems like the common cold, the flu, and other illnesses. Plus, even if the user becomes ill, they’ll likely heal much faster.

The VitaCell formula is crammed into two capsules daily, which users only need to take once a day to get the effects. Along with the improvements in the immune system, the remedy helps with improvements in energy levels, keeping the mind alert and focused. As advertised early on, it offers joint support and improves the function of the muscles, especially when they’ve grown exhausted.


How Does VitaCell Work?

VitaCell is made up of multiple ingredients that are found within a proprietary blend. The included ingredients are:

  • Tart cherry
  • Turmeric
  • Boswellia serrata
  • EGCG
  • Quercetin
  • Resveratrol
  • Cocoa seed

Read on below to learn about each of the ingredients and the way that they positively impact the body.

Tart cherry

Tart cherry powder is incredibly nutritious, supporting the muscles as they heal from the soreness that comes with workouts and strenuous activities. There is some evidence that they promote better sleep, helping the brain to be healthy and strong. It can also support the immune system, easing how severe arthritis and gout can be.

The juice of tart cherry includes anthocyanins, a compound that helps to alleviate inflammation. It also has been linked to the healing of some chronic diseases.


Turmeric is one of the most widely known ingredients in supplements today. It includes a compound called curcumin, which reduces inflammation in the joints, the digestive system, and more. There are some reports that link it to weight loss, though I can also offer many other benefits to the user’s health.

The compound is rich with antioxidant protection, which reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer, and other detrimental diseases. In some cases, it can help with symptoms of arthritis or depression.

Boswellia serrata

Boswellia serrata is another ingredient in this formula that is especially helpful with inflammation. As the inflammation subsides, it eases the pain and pressure that happens on the body with this type of damage. It may even help with the prevention of cartilage loss, considering the support that it offers the joints.

Though it is not a cure, research suggests that is a helpful ingredient to include in the treatment of breast cancer, leukemia, and other types of cancers. It is known in traditional medicine for the way that it can soothe the body amid brain injuries, different types of arthritis, in Bursitis. Some people also use it to stop swelling associated with tendonitis.


EGCG is another ingredient associated with the reduction of inflammation. It protects the body from several chronic diseases, but consumers might be surprised to find out that they are probably already including it in their diet – it comes from green tea. It is also found in other types of plants, helping users to lose weight in some scenarios.

The many researchers warn about using more than 800 mg of EGCG each day at the risk of damaging the liver. The exact amount found in this formula is unknown. Since proprietary blends do not include each ingredient’s amount, users will have to take solace in the fact that no side effects have been reported so far.


Quercetin is a flavonoid, and the most popular reaction to taking it is increased performance while exercising and reduced inflammation. It manages high blood pressure, and it keeps blood sugar levels in check. It may not be more effective than a medicinal treatment, but it offers a natural solution for individuals who need to balance their bodies. Based on clinical research, quercetin can protect the brain, fight back against allergies, and reduce the risk of cancer.

When consumers have too much quercetin in the body, they may experience a headache or numbness.


Resveratrol is primarily used to lower high blood pressure, often bringing down the amount of fat in the blood. It eases the body’s sensitivity to insulin, helping to manage blood sugar levels in the process. It can alleviate pain in the joints, and it can keep the brain healthy as it defends itself from deterioration. Some people even say that it can create an anti-aging effect within the body.

When used in certain animals, it can increase their lifespan by protecting the brain from damage.

Cocoa seed

Cocoa seed is high in polyphenols, which puts it in a position to offer many benefits to the body. As it improves the natural nitric oxide levels, it eases high blood pressure safely. Doing so can help consumers significantly reduce the likelihood that they will have a heart attack or endure a stroke. They even improve the blood flow that impacts the brain’s function, increasing the naturally delivered nutrients.

Since it has such a significant impact on the brain, users may not be surprised to find that regular inclusion of Coco seed in cocoa powder improves the mood. It also helps the body to deal with symptoms of depression more effectively.


Purchasing VitaCell

Even though the retail value of VitaCell is $69.95, that’s not what users have to pay right now. Instead, every single package offered comes with a discount on the original price. Choose from:

Users can get these packages with free shipping. However, if the user finds that this supplement doesn’t help users alleviate joint pain and improve their health, they have up to 60 days to reach a refund.


Frequently Asked Questions About VitaCell

What does VitaCell do for the body?

If the user keeps up with the regimen, VitaCell will support cognition, improve the immune system’s health, enhance the muscle mass, and soothes the digestive system.

How should VitaCell be taken?

Users need one serving a day (typically taking it breakfast time) to make a long-term difference. Each serving is 2 capsules, and every bottle has enough capsules to last through an entire month.

Who is responsible for making VitaCell?

VitaCell is a project of Dr. Mark Siviera, the founder of Vitalifi. Though there is very little information outside of the VitaCell website about Dr. Siviera, he says that he has many people waiting to be treated.

Is there any way for an immunity-boosting remedy to actually prevent COVID-19?

So far, there has yet to be a remedy to actually prevent the spread of this virus, regardless of supplement or medicine.

What is in VitaCell?

VitaCell is made of a proprietary blend, which includes Tart Cherry Powder, Longvida Curcuma Longa Rhizome Extract (turmeric), Boswellia Serrata, EGCG, Quercetin, Resveratrol, and Cocoa Seed Extract.

Consumers who still have other questions they want to address can send an email to support@rhythmichealth.com.


VitaCell helps consumers to regulate their entire body to improve their general health. With the ability to deal with everything from painful joints to mental fatigue, consumers don’t need very many ingredients to make a difference. Plus, they only need to take a single serving a day to get the benefits. Each ingredient finds a way to alleviate inflammation and promote a stronger immune system.

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