Home Facial Treatments See Kate Beckinsale In A Skin Tight Black Outfit

See Kate Beckinsale In A Skin Tight Black Outfit

See Kate Beckinsale In A Skin Tight Black Outfit


Kate Beckinsale once more takes to Instagram; this time to show off a sexy skintight outfit.

By Matthew Creith
| Published

If there is one thing that British actor Kate Beckinsale knows how to do, it is wowing with a spectacular outfit on her social media platforms. Coming off a promotional tour for her latest film Prisoner’s Daughter opposite Brian Cox, Beckinsale’s latest post to Instagram features the 49 year-old in a skin tight black outfit alongside her friend and latex designer Nina Kate, whom Beckinsale tagged in the picture posted to her social media account. The two appear to be posing with a dog and cat in the cheeky picture where the cat is dressed in a bee costume, which has been liked by over 36,000 people since the photograph debuted on Instagram earlier today.

Kate Beckinsale’s post to Instagram today simply highlights how much fun the actor tends to have in front of the camera, showing off her stylish side in an outfit that is adorned with the ironic words, “Dress.” Posting the picture of her teased back hair and black high heels to social media, Beckinsale’s 5.5 million followers were treated to a beautiful duo who look to be enjoying their place in the world with a caption that reads, “Minding our own beeswax.” Beckinsale and Kate look like they understand fashion in a variety of ways, possibly getting into the Halloween spirit with their dark tones, serious looking smiles, and black eyeliner to match their outfits and mood.

The actor might be trying to have a little fun after the arduous journey that is the film festival circuit, promoting the Catherine Hardwicke directed Prisoner’s Daughter at this year’s Toronto International Film Festival. Hardwicke is best known for her work behind the camera directing Twilight with Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, however, Prisoner’s Daughter is a much different film than the Twilight saga that took over the box office. Kate Beckinsale stars alongside Brian Cox in a film that takes aim at the father and daughter relationship dynamic in a gritty drama that is sure to be a tearjerker.

kate beckinsale
Kate Beckinsale as Selene of the Underworld series

Prior to her work with Hardwicke and Cox, Kate Beckinsale was best known for her acting roles in the Underworld series of films, in addition to the Michael Bay directed blockbuster, Pearl Harbor. Her posts to Instagram have become sort of infamous as her acting career has slowed down in recent years, making her a celebrity influencer of style and grace. According to Showbiz Cheat Sheet, Beckinsale has confirmed that she does not dabble in plastic surgery or botox at her age, but does engage in skincare regimens that includes the use of blood facials and Blue Scorpion Peptide.

Capturing her beauty and flawless skin on camera has been something Kate Beckinsale is used to in recent years. She is well-known for her varying looks on social media as she tends to pose with animals while exercising on a treadmill and lounging around the house. It is something she most likely enjoys as she has a bit of downtime from promoting films and acting onscreen.


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