Home Injectables Nose Thread Lift vs. Nose Fillers: Which is better?

Nose Thread Lift vs. Nose Fillers: Which is better?

Nose Thread Lift vs. Nose Fillers: Which is better?


For most people of Asian descent, we can be loosely categorised as having wide faces, small eyes, and low nose bridges. Being in the centre of the face, the nose is probably the first facial feature people look at when they first look at you.

A high nose bridge with a rounded tip is a highly coveted feature among many Asian women. In fact, a number of Chinese women (and even men) are searching for reliable doctors in hopes to attain a more beautiful, defined nose.

In a world where we live in a fast paced society, people are increasingly seeking out non-surgical options to augment the nose – safely and conveniently – with less downtime. There are two options where people can augment their noses – non-surgically: Nose Thread Lift and nose fillers.

What is nose filler?

Nose filler treatment usually involves injecting Hyaluronic Acid (HA) fillers into the skin. It is used to sculpt the nose by precisely adding volume to the nose. These fillers are made of HA gel, which are compatible with your body.

After the numbing cream or local anesthetic has set in, the doctor will inject HA fillers into the bridge and tip of the nose to give it height and projection.

Can nose filler treatments have side effects?

Some mild swelling or redness can be expected at the injection points. Some bruising may also occur. However, these side effects should subside in a day or two.

If nose filler treatment is performed by an inexperienced injector, there is also a possibility of infection and vascular complications such as skin necrosis and even blindness. Although this rarely happens, a detailed consultation with the doctor is necessary to find out what the risks are and if the doctor is skilled enough to carry out the treatment.

How long does nose filler last?

Nose filler can last for up to 12 months after the treatment. If repeated regularly, it can last for as long as 36 months, depending on individual.

What is nose thread lift?

Thanks to the latest medical technology, the nose can also be augmented non-surgically using polydioxanone (PDO) threads that are 100% bio-compatible and absorbable by our bodies.

Also known as a ‘lunchtime nose job’, PDO Nose Thread Lift is a treatment that can be completed in under an hour. Because of the minimal downtime, patients can resume their daily activities thereafter.

After numbing and application of local anesthetic, the doctor places fine threads along the nasal bridge for the height and the septum to give projection to the nose. The threads are placed under the skin to elevate the nose bridge and tip while stimulating collagen formation to provide sustainable lift for the nose.

The number of threads required varies according to individuals. An initial consult with the doctor is required to determine the current shape of the nose and the desired outcome before he can decide the number of threads required.

Results are immediately visible as the threads provide the scaffold for the nose.

Does Nose Thread Lift have side effects?

As the PDO threads are bio-absorbable, they will be broken down in 6 to 8 months after the treatment. PDO is an essential material used by surgeons for their surgical sutures.

It is normal to experience some soreness and swelling immediately after the treatment. However, these side effects will subside in a few days.

How long does Nose Thread Lift last?

Results from a Nose Thread Lift treatment can usually last for about 1-2 years. If the treatment is repeated 9 months after the initial treatment, you can expect the result to be longer-lasting. With stimulation of collagen in the nose, some permanent lifting can be expected.

So, which is better and safer: Nose Thread Lift or Nose Filler?

It is a perennial question that many people ask. The truth is, there are associated benefits and risks pertaining to each treatment.

Although undergoing either procedure can effectively augment the nose, some doctors prefer to perform a combination treatment so that the patient can have a more defined nose.

By harnessing the benefits of both treatments, you will be able to enjoy a beautiful nose that has a definitive structure with a longer-lasting lift.

This article was contributed by Radium Medical Aesthetics. Radium Medical Aesthetics offers both Nose Filler treatment and PDO Nose Thread Lift.

Photos: Getty Images, Radium Medical Aesthetics 

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