Top tips that can help you grow and maintain healthy facial hair


Beard care Top tips that can help you grow and maintain healthy facial hair
New Delhi: Maintaining a beard is not everyone’s cup of tea. For some people, good facial hair comes naturally. But for others, it may take significant time and effort to achieve the bearded look goals.

Beard care tips

Here are some effective beard care tips that can help you achieve amazing facial hair:

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  1. Get your supplements: Nutrition immensely impacts hair growth. Therefore, make sure that you stay up to date with your vitamins and protein supplements.
  2. Keep it hygienic: Be it food or dandruff, make sure that you wash your beard regularly and keep it hygienic. Unsanitary beards are not only disgusting but are also unhealthy.
  3. Trim it regularly: Just like trimming split ends helps get better hair, trimming the beard hair regularly can help you grow a beautiful bearded look.
  4. Quit bad habits: If you wish to get a good beard, get rid of health and hair damaging habits such as drinking, smoking, not resting enough, etc.
  5. Follow a beard care routine: From moisturizing to applying a rejuvenating serum, your beard needs as much care as your skin. So make sure that you take steps to provide it with the same every day.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness programme or making any changes to your diet.

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