Solo Jonas brother carries Merz’s new tune in Botox rival campaign – Endpoints News


As the lyrics of his band’s 2019 pop-rock sin­gle sug­gests, Joe Jonas is on­ly hu­man — and that means even he gets frown lines. The 33-year-old singer-song­writer is Merz’s newest celebri­ty brand part­ner for its Botox ri­val Xeomin, as med­ical aes­thet­ics brands tar­get a younger au­di­ence.

Merz kicked off its “Beau­ty on Your Terms” cam­paign on Tues­day, fea­tur­ing the Jonas broth­er in a video ad for its dou­ble-fil­tered an­ti-wrin­kle in­jec­tion Xeomin.

“Whether I’m at home or on the road or some­where in be­tween, I try to take care of my skin,” Jonas says over the sound­track of his DNCE song “Move” play­ing. The singer adds as he hops out of bed and heads to a record­ing ses­sion, “I want some­thing that keeps me, well, look­ing like me.”

Patrick Ur­ban

The cam­paign is de­signed to tar­get peo­ple in their 20s and 30s “who are in­ter­est­ed in an­ti-wrin­kle in­jec­tions to treat frown lines be­tween the eye­brows or are cu­ri­ous about them,” Patrick Ur­ban, Merz Aes­thet­ics’ North Amer­i­ca pres­i­dent, said in an email.

“We have seen an evo­lu­tion in pa­tient groups who use Xeomin (in­cobot­u­linum­tox­i­nA) to in­clude younger adults are em­brac­ing aes­thet­ic treat­ments to ad­dress frown lines,” he said. “Part­ner­ing with Joe Jonas on this cam­paign helps to reach and em­pow­er every­one to un­apolo­get­i­cal­ly em­brace self-care and aes­thet­ic choic­es that help them feel good about them­selves and fu­el their con­fi­dence.”

Xeomin was first ap­proved in 2010 for cer­vi­cal dys­to­nia and ble­pharospasm, med­ical con­di­tions that cause in­vol­un­tary neck mus­cle con­trac­tion and eye­lid move­ment, re­spec­tive­ly. How­ev­er, the bot­u­linum tox­in prod­uct has since racked up a suite of ap­provals in oth­er in­di­ca­tions, in­clud­ing ex­ces­sive drool­ing, up­per limb spas­tic­i­ty and se­vere glabel­lar lines — al­so known as frown lines.

In 2020, Merz tapped ac­tress and en­tre­pre­neur Gwyneth Pal­trow as celebri­ty spokesper­son for its first glob­al Xeomin cam­paign, which fea­tured short videos in which Pal­trow ad­mit­ted she wasn’t a fan of an­ti-wrin­kle in­jec­tions un­til she found the “unique­ly pu­ri­fied” Xeomin.

Merz bills its Botox ri­val as an in­jec­tion that con­tains “on­ly the in­gre­di­ents that work and none that don’t.” That means no un­nec­es­sary pro­teins, ac­cord­ing to the Raleigh, NC-based phar­ma com­pa­ny.

Ear­li­er this year, the com­pa­ny spon­sored the North Car­oli­na Courage’s women’s na­tion­al soc­cer team, snag­ging a lo­go on the back of play­ers’ uni­forms and host­ing in­ter­views with play­ers on so­cial me­dia. Now it’s Jonas’ turn to help Merz carve out a spot in the Botox-dom­i­nat­ed mar­ket.

“As I ex­plored op­tions with my doc­tor, it was im­por­tant to me to un­der­stand ex­act­ly what was in a prod­uct be­fore I am treat­ed with it,” Jonas said in a news re­lease. “That’s one of the main rea­sons Xeomin has be­come a com­ple­ment to my skin­care treat­ment reg­i­men. It pro­vides me with con­sis­tent re­sults for my frown lines with­out any un­nec­es­sary in­gre­di­ents.”

Cos­met­ic Botox earned Ab­b­Vie $695 mil­lion last quar­ter alone, plus an­oth­er $678 mil­lion in ther­a­peu­tic set­tings, the phar­ma gi­ant re­port­ed a cou­ple of weeks ago. While Merz de­clined to dis­close sales fig­ures for Xeomin, Ur­ban said the com­pa­ny has seen a “sig­nif­i­cant in­crease” in sales.

Merz’s lat­est cam­paign comes as med­ical aes­thet­ics brands seek to ap­peal to a younger au­di­ence. Back in 2018, Merz launched its “Lat­er Haters” cam­paign tar­get­ing “The Re­claimers,” or the gen­er­a­tion of younger women who “have spent the last sev­er­al years build­ing a ca­reer or rais­ing a fam­i­ly, tak­ing care of every­one and every­thing else, and are fi­nal­ly say­ing, ‘it’s time to get back to me,’” the com­pa­ny said.

Christi­na Mey­er

The cam­paign not­ed that US adults un­der 45 show a high­er in­ter­est in cos­met­ic treat­ment than old­er adults, but are of­ten held back by a stig­ma around cos­met­ic work.

“Xeomin’s ‘Lat­er Haters’ cam­paign takes on a new tone, em­brac­ing to­day’s woman and her right to live her life on her terms, with­out judg­ment,” Christi­na Mey­er, head of in­jecta­bles mar­ket­ing in Merz North Amer­i­ca’s aes­thet­ics unit, said in a state­ment at the time.

Al­ler­gan al­so tar­get­ed younger adults in a 2019 Botox TV ad fea­tur­ing a crowd of Mil­lenials and the slo­gan, “Look like you with few­er lines.”

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