Home Facial Treatments Melissa Gilbert on why she gave up Botox and fillers and why it’s important that we start to ‘allow women to age’

Melissa Gilbert on why she gave up Botox and fillers and why it’s important that we start to ‘allow women to age’

Melissa Gilbert on why she gave up Botox and fillers and why it’s important that we start to ‘allow women to age’



I Got Chin Filler For a Sharper Jawline

My round face has always been a source of love and insecurity, but as I’ve entered my mid 30s, its perky youthfulness (which I can’t believe I used to roll my eyes at) is naturally losing shape. I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve googled plenty of plastic-surgery procedures – from temporal brow lifts to full-on facelifts – but the recovery, steep price tags, and sheer permanence always stopped me from booking a consultation.


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