Home Body Treatments Make Your Skin Look Beautiful This Festive Season With Facial Rejuvenation

Make Your Skin Look Beautiful This Festive Season With Facial Rejuvenation



Who doesn’t want to look glowy and beautiful for the festive season? If you too are looking for the same, here’s how facial rejuvenation treatments can help you.

Soon the rainy season will give way to pleasant weather, and sunny days and bring with it the festive season. Naturally, you want to put your best face forward and one of the best ways to do this is to opt for some facial rejuvenation treatments. These treatments will take away the dullness and listless and oily skin of the rainy season and give you fresh and dewy skin that is ready for back-to-back celebrations.

Facial Rejuvenation Treatments

Here is what to expect from facial rejuvenation treatments

  • Brighter and glowing skin
  • Hydrated complexion
  • Reduced sun damage and age spots
  • Smoothened lines and wrinkles
  • Increased production of collagen and elastin, the two ingredients that keep the skin supple and ageless

These treatments take the holistic approach to facial rejuvenation and target your skin concerns as well as give a well-rested, younger face.

Types Of Facial Rejuvenation Treatments

Here is a list of options to choose from:

Cosmetic injections

These are the most popular skin boosting and anti-ageing treatments. The most common ones are Botox and Dermal fillers. They hydrate your skin, improve skin texture, take care of the fine lines around the eyes, nose, and chin, reduce the appearance of scars, and even out the skin tone. These are quick and painless treatments and you will start seeing the results in 24 to 48 hours post-treatment. The results last from anywhere between three to twelve months.

Chemical peels

Simple and non-invasive peels are a mix of special chemicals that gently peel the damaged layers of skin to reveal fresh and blemish-free skin underneath. They reduce sun damage, reduce acne and acne scars, improve rough and dull skin, reduce skin pigmentation, and smooth rough and dull skin.


These are a notch more than your traditional facials. These are special facial rejuvenation treatments that gently cleanse and peel the skin to remove the dull and damaged dead skin and cleanse and hydrate the pores. HydraFacial can take care of uneven skin tone, improve skin texture, brown spots, fine lines and wrinkles, oily and dull skin.

Laser toning and skin resurfacing

lasers are the new age gold standards for taking care of all your skin woes. Non-invasive and no-pain laser treatments can address many skin concerns in a single treatment. They are used for the treatment of wrinkles, age spots, redness, acne scarring, moderate to deep fine lines and wrinkles, birthmarks and tattoo removal, and even spider veins. Laser toning treatments stimulate the skin cells and improve the skin tone, texture and tightness naturally.


It is primarily a simple treatment for acne scarring but it also tightens the skin and promotes collagen and elastin production. Tiny needles are used to cause tiny injuries on the skin surface that trigger the skin cells to go into self-healing mode. It helps in reducing acne scars and blemishes and plumping up the skin.

Fat transfer

These are a versatile set of cosmetic treatments. The simple procedure is customizable to the patient’s aesthetic needs. Fat from your body is used to inject into the areas of the face lacking volumes such as the cheeks, jaw and temples. It gives an instant facelift and restores the youthful fullness to the face.

There is a range of treatments to choose from and all are super effective in giving you the festival glow that you have been craving. Your skin specialist will examine your skin tone and list of concerns before suggesting a suitable treatment. Make sure you go to qualified experts only. Start your treatments early to avoid last-minute trips.

Make sure you do not skip on the regular cleansing toning and moisturizing routine every day and night. Eat a good diet and keep your skin hydrated by drinking water at regular intervals.

(The article is contributed by Dr Rinky Kapoor, Consultant Dermatologist, Cosmetic Dermatologist & Dermato-Surgeon, The Esthetic Clinics)

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