Home Injectables Four ways to get rid of the lines above your upper lip

Four ways to get rid of the lines above your upper lip

Four ways to get rid of the lines above your upper lip


Smoking a cigarette can cause vertical lines above your upper lip, known as ‘smokers’ lines.’

Smoking a cigarette can cause vertical lines above your upper lip, known as ‘smokers’ lines.’

Getty Images/iStockphoto

Also called “barcode lines” because of their vertical appearance above the upper lip, these bothersome wrinkles have traditionally been associated with smoking because they tend to form when you purse your lips. Repeatedly drinking through a straw can have the same effect of accelerating the formation of these wrinkles.

Fortunately, there are several treatment options for smoker’s lines or barcode lines.

Hyaluronic acid fillers

Hyaluronic acid fillers are typically the best treatment option for fine lines above your lip. They offer smooth, natural-looking results, yet can easily be dissolved if needed for any reason. Hyaluronic acid fillers for smoker’s lines tend to last around six months before a maintenance treatment may be needed.

Botulinum toxin injections

Botulinum toxin injections such as BOTOX®, Dysport®, Xeomin®, Jeuvea®, Daxxify® and others are commonly used to temporarily erase barcode lines above the upper lip. However, the downside to using botulinum toxin injections around the mouth is that it can result in unnatural mouth movements, drooling, or a strange smile.

CO2 laser treatments

CO2 laser skin resurfacing treatments work by removing the superficial layer of skin without damaging surrounding tissue, thus triggering your skin’s natural healing process and collagen production. However, there is downtime associated with this treatment and there can be side effects such as scarring and permanent skin pigmentation issues.

Anti-aging skincare

Many people choose to pair topical anti-aging skincare ingredients with in-office treatments like hyaluronic acid fillers to see the best results in treating barcode lines. Virtually all skin types can benefit from using a vitamin C serum in the morning and a retinoid in the evening.

However, you do need to gradually introduce retinoids to your skin when first using them. You can also put lip balm on your lips to protect them from retinoids that might rub off onto your pillowcase at night.

Dr. Leslie Baumann Miami

For more skincare tips and tricks, follow Baumann Cosmetic on YouTube or @BaumannCosmetic on Instagram or Facebook.


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