Couple get ‘quick’ nose jobs in joint appointment just in time for Christmas

Lindi and Alfie


Lindi Mngaza and Alfie Lucas, from Birmingham, both live busy lifestyles due to running their own businesses – so when they considered cosmetic enhancements, they opted for a much quicker procedure

Lindi and Alfie
Lindi and Alfie have been together for just over a year

Lindi Mngaza and Alfie Lucas lived on the same street in Birmingham for four years, but had never seen each other until last year.

“He walked past me and I said, ‘Hello big boy’ and the rest was history,” Lindi, 37, told The Mirror.

The pair hit it off immediately and within two weeks of dating, moved into a new penthouse together.

The ambitious pair bonded over shared interests – including that they both ran their own businesses.

And when Lindi, director at Explode Social Media, started looking into the work of one of her clients, the pair discovered they had something else in common.

“We have a client that produces UTH which is basically filler. I’d seen before and after pictures on Instagram, and I’d also seen my girlfriends getting it done for years – but I’d never tried it,” the 37-year-old explained.

Lindi says she always wore highlighter on her nose to give a contoured effect


Martin Hambleton)

Alfie suspects his nose was broken in a kickboxing accident years ago


Martin Hambleton)

“I explained it to Alfie and he liked the idea.”

The pair discussed the idea of non-surgical cosmetic procedures and decided they both wanted to consider dermal fillers to modify their noses.

“I wear make-up and used to put highlighter on my nose to bring its shape out,” Lindi said.

Alfie, 30, director of Assure Homes, added he had suffered an injury to his nose several years ago and had considered some type of rhinoplasty too.

“My nose was a bit crooked. I’d had a kickboxing accident in training years ago,” he said, while Lindi noted he was “undefeated” in his heyday.

“It was literally just one time, I was kicked in the face and my nose went. I just left it and didn’t have treatment, which is ridiculous,” he explained.

“It settled with a slight curvature and it did bring me down quite a lot to be honest, and I thought [filler] might help.”

The procedure, known as a non-surgical rhinoplasty, involves injecting small amounts of filler into the soft tissue around the nose to give it more shape and often creates a contoured effect.

It’s less invasive than a surgical nose job – which can take months to show full results – and usually settles within 48 hours.

The procedure is also significantly cheaper, costing around £300 each time rather than thousands of pounds for an operation.

Lindi and Alfie found the process so easy they were able to go to a party that night


Lindi Mngaza)

After researching the procedure, the couple drove just over an hour to Cosmedic Clinic – which Lindi described as a “mission” – but agreed it was worth the trip.

When they arrived at the clinic, run by aesthetics specialist Sharon King, the couple were asked several questions about why they were there and what they wanted to achieve.

“It was about 15 minutes where they ask you a couple of questions before you go in and you have to tell them about allergies you might have,” Lindi said.

“Then they get the needle out and start doing it.”

Both Lindi and Alfie, who reckon the injections took no longer than 15 minutes, said the pain was completely manageable throughout.

“I’m so pleased with the results. Alfie was there when I came out of the treatment room, and he said straight away how brilliant it looked,” Lindi added.

As for recovery time, the pair were well enough to get back to their normal lives immediately.

“We went straight out to a party that evening,” Lindi joked.

The couple were given specialist cream to apply following the procedure, and as the days went by, the results became clearer.

“When you do it, you’re swollen at first because obviously they’ve put a needle in your face,” Lindi said.

After two weeks, the pair went for a top up of the filler, which is standard procedure for this type of treatment. It was then that they saw complete results.

“If you’ve got a minor hang up about your appearance, using filler is fabulous idea here and there. It’s not evasive, you can recover really quickly and get great results,” Lindi said.

Alfie is now considering a surgical rhinoplasty after realising there was more damage to his nose from the accident than previously thought.

Despite this, he said: “If you’re looking for a small change, it’s perfect.”

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